eCommerce conversion s.

Did you know a good conversion rate for an eCommerce store is at least 2%? This is such an important thing and one that we always aim to improve for our clients to get them to the desired rate.

Firstly, it’s vital to use the right tools to measure conversion rates. One of the most popular and well-known tools available online is Google Analytics, which comes with a range of useful functionality.
Google Analytics will give you a better idea of how users access the website. There are many valuable statistics, such as, how long visitors are staying, where they came from, and whether they are returning back to the site or not. It also measures the bounce rate (whether a user left the website within a couple of seconds) for each page and user. This is incredibly helpful to understand which pages are working their best, and which ones need more focus.
We also utilize Google Tag Manager, allowing us to create a tag system to measure different types of actions, such as phone calls and submitted contact forms. When both of these are combined it can track a full user journey and determine whether a visitor has converted by purchasing something on the website or has submitted an enquiry.

It’s important to analyze the data once the tracking conversion has been set up. Depending on the results or target we tend to create keyword specific landing pages or work on user interface improvements for the pages that aren’t converting very well. For example, if a lot of users are accessing a particular product page but then not moving forward with a purchase, it could mean that the actual purchasing process isn’t very clear and a user simply can’t work out how to buy a product. In this case, our experienced design team will review the page and aim to improve it from a users point of view, making it as simple as possible to get the product to the shopping cart.
This is just a small piece of what our innovative team do to help improve conversion rates on online stores. It takes more than a beautiful website; it’s about giving the whole package to your visitors — a positive online shopping experience that will have them coming back for more.

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